
Do you eat because you’re bored?

In the Eating Peace Experience, I share three troubling perspectives about life that appear to trigger compulsive patterns.
I know that sounds crazy simplistic.
Just three?
When we’ve done this compulsive thing over and over for years, and it seems random, chaotic, upsetting, emotional.
It seems complicated!
But how helpful it can be to direct our attention to these points where we get thrown off balance by our thinking and our uncomfortable feelings and notice how we’re disturbed so often by the same things.
These three areas are quite large, big umbrellas of “thought” that show up and cause havoc in behavior when we don’t understand, when we’re upset.
What makes us eat (when it’s not hunger):
  • Feeling fear, feeling threatened (life is too much)
  • Feeling powerless (victimized, small, despairing, resigned)
  • Feeling bored and empty (life is not enough)
Powerless. Afraid. Empty.
I’ve heard a lot of people sharing lately about feeling stuck at home, not having a normal routine, being in the same four walls all day.
The third concept above.
Usually when we’re bored, we have fleeting images of what would be more entertaining.
NOT this moment.
This moment is not good enough, fun enough, full enough.
Let’s eat something interesting. That’s at least more pleasant.
What if we studied what was happening in this boring moment…..where entertainment, contact with people, busy-ness, or pleasure appears to be more appealing?
How curious we might become with the mind as it talks away about how boring everything is.
Noticing something is here besides empty space and empty moment.
Could it be more satisfying than we *think*?
This moment is so boring and empty....let's eat something
This moment is so boring and empty….let’s eat something
The Eating Peace Experience is all about using The Work of Byron Katie, a powerful inquiry process, to identify and question our deep-seated beliefs about food, taking in this substance called food, body weight, thin, fat, troubling feelings, soothing, pleasure, urgency, grabbing.
We’re working with the way the mind tends to over-think and over-whelm our experience of life with dread, emptiness, anxiety or wanting.
Being in Eating Peace, we study compulsion and we also study peace.
We’re peace students.
We’ve already probably been peace students–or peace hunters–for a long time, and wondered how the heck to find it?!
Can you imagine being so interested in the compulsive urge that we see what it really is? No special medicine required?
The only requirement for joining Eating Peace is the desire to understand our repetitive impulses for arguing, defending against, debating with the present moment (or really, our thoughts about the present moment).
Especially when it involves food.
Wow, when I think of my old relationship with food, it was brutal.
Never peaceful, ever.
The way I related to the world and food was so fearful, worrisome and contentious.
I felt so disappointed. I tried so many things to find peace.
Eating Peace is a program for people with off-balance thinking, feeling, eating patterns….like the kind I once had.
We’re exploring how our our beliefs about feelings, eating, bodies and other people throws us out of balance and into the past or future. Into fear and neediness.
Our great question for the five months ahead, that we all explore together:
Who are we without our stories about eating, food, having a body, relating, taking in, absorbing, digesting the experience of life?
Love to have you join us, if the timing is right.
We’re learning to love what is.
Register for Eating Peace Experience HERE.
Much love,