
Happiness doesn’t depend on what happens, my body shape or size, or the food

Being happy is not dependent on the shape and weight of your body, or the food in your kitchen or in your hand. Happiness requires turning your attention to happiness, questioning your thinking, noticing.
Woohoo! We successfully went live and broadcast without a hitch on Monday’s Eating Peace Webinar with no tech troubles.
(Well, the slides could have been bigger for at least one person. Next time, I’ll be able to expand them to full size).
This is the way of it. Continued learning. Keep getting feedback, keep refining. A wonderful adventure.
And now, I have a request that would mean so much: If you’ve watched the webinar live or the recording so far could you answer 10 questions (completely anonymous) right HERE? (It should take about 4 minutes).
This helps things keep getting better and better; it can’t happen without you.
I want to create a powerful webinar that will support people ending their suffering around eating like I experienced, even if they never buy or attend anything with me.
I mean it.
I was so lost in my disordered-thinking, off-balance feeling and eating experience….I’m not sure if the internet had existed I would have been able to find peace online to be honest. Not at the beginning of my journey.
But later, absolutely. I watch and listen to so much that’s available, it’s amazing.
And speaking of ongoing, regular, steady improvement and refinement….
….I remember a time when I never felt like that was happening when it came to eating.
If you feel like me, my attempts to find calm and satisfaction and to quit being so obsessive with food was like doing a replay of stepping on a rake, and rake hitting face, over and over and over again.
Think of every rake as a new diet plan.
The Simpsons - Sideshow Bob Stepping On Rakes Compilation
The Simpsons – Sideshow Bob Stepping On Rakes Compilation
Now, I know so much better how to connect with people. I know how to connect with my own inner questions, with my honest feelings, with my own needs. I have so much less judgment of myself and of others.
What a relief.

Life with food, eating and having a body–no matter how imperfect–has become calm. Not dreadful and dramatic.

You can have this too. It’s all about inquiring and noticing the hellish stories you believe about eating or yourself, or the world….are really not true for you.
Four more masterclass webinars still to come in the weeks ahead Eating Peace–Five Spells to Break to End Your Eating Battles:
  • Weds, January 15th at 9am PT/ Noon ET (soon!)
  • Tuesday, January 21st 10am PT/ 7pm Europe
  • Thursday, January 23rd 5pm PT/ 10am Japan
  • Friday, January 24th Noon PT/3pm ET (last one)
To register, choose your date, and receive the link to attend please click here. Note: a popup will appear in order for you to enter your email–be sure to have your popup blocker off.
Much love,
P.S. Thank you so much in advance for your feedback on the webinar!

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